There are now over 400 PDFs in the download!
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Music Teaching Resources for the Modern Music Classroom designed to get your students to understand "The Basics"
There are Apps for this and software programmes for that but the reality that we are often faced with is that a lot of our students just "don't get" music theory?
The music teaching resources available from this site set out to help you to put that right.
The materials are structured to be used in such a way that they take students from a place where they have no understanding of music theory at all to a situation in which they are confident with the use of note names, intervals, scales, chords, key signatures and harmonic systems.
The Music teacher's resources on this site were designed with a very basic reality in mind........
"If our students know the alphabet from A to G and they can count from one to twelve then they already have the tools that they need in order to understand music theory"
Having our students Naming Notes Correctly is "The ABSOLUTE BASICS of teaching Music Theory"
Our music students need to know how to confidently name notes. They need to know that there can be only one name for the ("natural") white notes on the piano and that the ("accidental") notes to be found under the black keys can be assigned one of two names.
Download the FREE worksheet designed to guarantee understanding and then follow the links to get the FREE lesson plans and other help to ensure that your students (no matter what they like and play) will develop this basic and vital skill

Free Music Teaching Resource: Note Naming
During the early stages of helping our students to understand the harmonic and melodic elements of music theory we do not need to use notation at all. A lot of our perfectly enthusiastic and capable students come to us along a path where they have not been obliged to use notation. It seems perverse then to try to teach them important principles and concepts (music theory) using a language that they do not (yet) speak (musical notation).
The first and most vital part of developing an effective working knowledge of the principles that underpin harmony and melody is to learn how to correctly identify notes by letter name. How many times during the course of a working week do we hear C sharp get called D flat even though we are operating firmly in the key of A?
When our music students are confident that they can name notes correctly it is time to prepare them for the study of scales by first familiarising them with the concepts underpinning intervals of a whole and a half step.

Following on from the music worksheets relating to whole and half step intervals there is material looking at the construction of major scales. From there we suggest that students study the construction of Major Chords. After that then they are ready to move on to minor scales, chords and key signatures.
Please feel free to tour to tour the site and take a look at our music teaching resources designed to help take the stress out of teaching music theory. There are loads of freebies to download so that you can take a look at the high quality and well thought out music teaching resources that we offer
DOWNLOAD 400+ Music theory Worksheets NOW!
A lifetime of Music Teaching Resources to use year after year for only $18.00
How to access your simple "one click" download
Buy your music teaching resources in complete safety via any major credit card (through paypal) or directly through your paypal account if you have one. If you choose to use a credit card, rest assured that we never see your credit card details as paypal do all of that for us.
When Paypal receive your payment you will be immediately invited to click a
You will be taken to a page from where you can download the resources that you have paid for NOW!
In the (rare) event that something should go wrong with the order/download process just email me at robh@teachwombat.com
I will check the order and send you the links that will get you to your stuff.
Cheers! Rob!