Effective music theory revision with worksheets

Music Theory Revision with Worksheets

Music theory revision made easy with a set of sequenced materials designed to help our students to both reinforce and fill in gaps in their knowledge

This website has a download of over 400 PDF worksheets designed to take students from a standing start to a place where they "get" note naming, intervals, scales, chords and keys

What should your music theory students be revising?

The study of music theory is a sequencial thing!

If a students fails to grasp a single element of the sequence in which topics should be covered then they will struggle with every element thereafter and will likely come to the conclusion that music theory is too complicated for them and as music teachers..... when this happens then it is our fault!

How do we find out where they "fell off the music theory bus?"

 music theory revision with worksheets

Below you can dowload a free diagnostic teast designed to find out simply and effectively just where a student loses touch with music theory

"If our students cannot name notes confidently then they will struggle with the sudy of the whole and half step intervals that are employed in the correct sequences to construct Major and minor scales"

"If they are insecure in their understanding of scales then they will find chords and keys much more confusing than should be the case"

Click to Download the Music Theory Revision Diagnostic Test

Music theory revision is a vital part of preparing students for examinations. It does not matter which examination board are setting the paper the bottom line is that our students (and us-lets face it?) are judged on what they know about notes, scales and chords. If they can name chords correctly and have a "joined up" functional knowledge of intervals, scales, chords and keys then we will have done our job with regard to preparing them for graded music theory exams.

Music Theory Revision Worksheets are a great way of targeting particular weaknesses. Used thoughtfully these worksheets provide a way of "customising" revision packages for individual students and offer a more effective way of addressing problem areas than the more usual "one size fits all" method of simply going through past exam papers.

When running sessions based around revising music theory (without wishing to state the obvious) there are a number of commonly encountered problems or situations. The most basic of these is that some students need a shed load of revision across a whole range of topics while others basically have a handle on the whole thing and really do not require too much of our help (they would be using their time most usefully just working away on as many past examination papers as they can)?

Download everything that you see on this website (over 400 PDFs) for just $18.00


How do we run a revision session that will be of use to all of the students in our group?

The materials in the download provide a simple “two stage” solution to this problem that should allow your classroom sessions to be more productive in the lead up to external music theory examinations.

When talking to students who don’t “get” music theory we often (and quite reasonably on the face of it) ask them which elements of the subject area they don’t understand. They then haltingly tell us that they have trouble remembering scales or chord theory and then based on what they tell us we try to come up with some kind of plan on the spot that will get them to where they need to be. A problem with this approach is that students who are struggling with music theory can not be expected to reliably inform us of precisely what it is that they don’t understand (after all they don’t understand it?)

A student struggling with chord construction can be forgiven for not realising that their inability to identify the notes of a D major chord really stems from the fact that they can not reliably name the notes of a D major Scale (which would provide instant access to the names of the notes of the D Chord).

Someone who can’t tell us which notes combine to make up the D Major Scale is really letting us know that they are not secure in their knowledge of the sequence of whole-step and-half-step intervals that combine to make up any Major Scale. Learners who do not understand intervals of a whole-step and a half-step are actually displaying a weakness with regard to the correct naming of notes. We know this (if we think about it) but they cannot be expected to (thats our job?)

The materials in this download contain twenty quick music theory tests (ten at a basic level dealing with basic Major and minor scales and chords and another ten aimed at more advanced students which use 7th chords etc)

If we start a revision session by asking our students to complete one (or more) of these music theory "mini exams" we should be able to quickly identify areas in which they are struggling and then from there, come up with a set of targeted resources (handouts and worksheets from the download) designed to address the root causes of their confusion.

By this process of “working backwards” through the sequence of music theory topic areas it is possible to identify objectively at which stage in the process a student started to “lose touch” with the study of music theory. When that stage has been identified then it is a relatively simple process to use the materials in the download in order to compile a set of revision materials (worksheets and handouts etc) relevant to each individual student from your class group.

Music Revision Worksheets

Effective music theory revision with worksheets

This site has a whole load of worksheets that you can download and select from to tailor revision packages for individual students designed to address their own particular weaknesses

Below you can see an infographic which describes how a teacher might use our materials to take students from a point where they have no functional "joined up" understanding of how music theory works to a place where they "Get It!"

When they have applied themselves to the material dealt with in the ten steps outlined below then they will be ready to study Blues Scales and will not find them difficult

Quote from an independant review of the materials

"I just used them in a theory help group I had over lunch hour. We are currently studying diatonic triads and related keys. Using these handouts made the difference for many of them. They just got it!

Read the full review......

Using Music Worksheets for revision in The Classroom
key signature worksheets and beyond

There is more to this than just Music Theory Revision though......?

Printable PDF Music Theory Revision Worksheets to download to a memory stick, tablet, or phone

The music theory worksheets have been designed so as to introduce basic principles and then to test and reinforce understanding of those principles. The music worksheets and handouts give classroom music teachers (and even private instrumental teachers) a simple, flexible and powerful resource to assist in the development of a functional understanding of the principles that govern music theory.

The worksheets are not specific to a particular style of music, key stage or exam syllabus. They are concerned with developing a working knowledge of music theory

When downloaded you can print these invaluable music education and revision resources straight from the hard drive of your computer or drop the files onto a memory stick or even a phoneand then take them into your school or college for photocopying etc. Whatever suits the way you work? Any way you choose you can be sure that for the rest of your teaching career you will always have access to first class music theory and revision worksheets.

DOWNLOAD 400+ Music Theory and Revision Worksheets NOW!

A lifetime of re-usable resources for only $18.00

How to access your simple "one click" download


It's not just about music theory revision worksheets We cover an awful lot of ground here.

You can buy your music theory worksheets in complete safety via any major credit card (through paypal) or directly through your paypal account if you have one. If you choose to use a credit card, rest assured that we never see your credit card details as paypal do all of that for us.

When Paypal receive your payment you will be immediately invited to click a


You will be taken to a page from where you can download all of the music theory worksheets that you have paid for NOW!

In the (rare) event that something should go wrong with the order/download process just email me at robh@teachwombat.com
I will check the order and send you the links that will get you to your stuff.

Cheers! Rob!


Effective music theory revision with worksheets