Substitute Teachers Music Cover Resources

Twelve "Ready Made" Music Theory Packs
No knowledge of, or experience with notated music required
Part of the download includes Twelve Ready Made Music Theory Packs with Answer Sheets designed to take students from a place where they have no functional understanding of music theory whatsoever to a situation where they "get" correctly naming notes and basic intervals as well as scales, chords and keys
Follow the link below to find out more and to download one of the learning packs as a freebie so that you can judge the quality of the material on offer
Substitute Teachers Music Cover Resources
Substitute Teachers and Music Lessons
Using cover teachers in our music lessons is a fact of life. As much as we would rather be there all the time "real life" gets in the way and sometimes there really is no alternative to leaving our students in the hands of a substitute teacher who's strong points may not be musical.
You can use these resources in a variety of ways designed to ensure that music lessons with a substitute teacher are not just a waste of everyone's time.
If you know that you are going to miss an upcoming session with your student group you can leave a few of the twenty single sheet music theory tests that come as part of the materials available in our download to be completed during the lesson with cover supervised by a substitute teacher in order to provide you with a quick and reliable "snapshot" of where your students are with regard to gaining a "joined up" understanding of music theory.
From there you can use the "snapshot" to tailor revision or catch up plans for individual students that are designed to deal with specific areas of weakness.
Planning for this allows you to ensure that your students are working towards the outcomes that you want (and lets face it upon which you will be judged?) rather than doing word-searches or ignoring someones favourite album being played in the background while everyone talks?
Twenty Single Page Music Theory Tests
Our download also contains twenty single page music theory teasts that cover the basics and beyond
Follow the link in the button below to find out more.....
Using the resources with a "regular" cover music teacher
If you have a regular substitute or cover teacher who is often left in charge of your students and with whom you have a good relationship it is even possible to "train" them to be able to help students with "the basics" of music theory even though they may not even play an instrument and will cheerfully state that they "have not got a musical bone in their body" because those basics rely on very basic maths and english skills (knowing the alphabet from A to G and being able to count from one to twelve) rather than an understanding of a new language of notated music.
All that is required is that you take them through the materials in this package designed for the early stages of a study of music theory (the material discussed in the Free music theory lesson plans that you can download from this site dealing with note naming, whole and half step intervals and the construction of Major and minor scales and chords).
Understanding this material depends completely on simple maths and english skills and does not require and musical knowledge, capability or experience.
It may take a couple of hours (and thats all it will take) to get a substitute teacher (or classroom assistant) to understand the basics (note names, scales and chords) of music theory but it will be time well invested if that then means that when you are not there your students are "on programme" rather than wasting time that you will be obliged to catch up.
There are answer sheets for all of the material presented in the twelve learning packs
Are You A Cover Music Teacher?
If you are a substitute teacher and have to sometimes cover a music class then this material could be of great help to you (and more importantly your students)
As stated above understanding music theory does not depend upon reading music or even playing a musical instrument! It may seem counter-intuitive but the "rules" governing music rely on very basic principles involving letters and numbers rather than anything so high minded as art. The main reason that music theory seems difficult is that its study has traditionally been mixed up with the study of musical notation.
Understanding notation is difficult, complicated,and very rewarding and I would hate anyone to get the impression that I do not think that it has an important place in musical education but the reality is that the study of music theory is more often than not made way more difficult that it should be. Traditional methods of having students understand music theory set out to teach simple concepts that students who can count to twelve and can recite the alphabet from A to G would have little or no problem with by using a complicated language that they do not (yet) speak (musical notation)
"If students can count to twelve and know the alphabet from A through to G the they already have the tools available that will allow them to understand music theory
In order to understand how music works on a theoretical level all that is required is that stundent can count to twelve and know the alphabet from A to G. The music worksheets and handouts that we provide are a simple, flexible and powerful resource to music educators and are designed to help with the development of a functional and workable understanding of the principles of music theory.
The worksheets are not specific to a particular style of music or exam syllabus (as the reality is that the music of Kanye West, Black Sabbath and Bach use the same twelve notes as Charlie Parker and Bob Marley?)
They are produced with the intention of helping you to get your students to a situation in which your students "get" music theory
Once they have been downloaded you can print these invaluable music education resources straight from the hard drive of your computer or drop the files onto a memory stick and take them into your school or college for photocopying etc. Whatever suits the way you work? Any way you choose you can be sure that for the rest of your teaching career you will always have access to first class music worksheets.
DOWNLOAD more than 400 Music Theory Worksheets NOW!
A lifetime of re-usable resources for only $18.00
How to access your simple "one click" download
It's not just about key signatures worksheets, we cover an awful lot of ground here.
You can buy your music theory worksheets in complete safety via any major credit card (through paypal) or directly through your paypal account if you have one. If you choose to use a credit card, rest assured that we never see your credit card details as paypal do all of that for us.
When Paypal receive your payment you will be immediately invited to click a
You will be taken to a page from where you can download all of the music theory worksheets that you have paid for NOW!
In the (rare) event that something should go wrong with the order/download process just email me at robh@teachwombat.com
I will check the order and send you the links that will get you to your stuff.
Cheers! Rob!