minor scale worksheets

Minor Scale Worksheets

Familiarity with minor scales and how they are constructed is a very important part of developing a "joined up" understanding of music theory and how it works

Below you can see a graphic relating to one of the twelve basic music theory lesson packs that covers minor scale construction and forms part of the musicteachingresources download

The packs (with answer sheets ) are designed to take students from a position where they know nothing at all about music theory to a place where they "get" note names, scales, chords and keys (not just key signatures!) without having to understand and be familiar with notated music at all

Below you can see (and download FREE) a handout that you can use to help your students to understand the differences (and similarities) that exist in the construction of Major and minor scales

music theory worksheet on major chord construction

Get The Scale Spelling "Explainer"

Minor scales are best understood in relation to Major scales

Students who fully understand a single major scale (in terms of the sequence of intervals that make it up) have very little trouble in transferring that "secure" knowledge into the construction of any minor Scale

When they understand the sequence of whole-step and half-step intervals (W W H W W W H) that will allow them to construct any Major scale then it is simply a case of making them aware of and familiar with the sequence of whole and half-step intervals (W H W W H W W) that will allow them to construct all (natural) minor scales

Printable Music Theory Worksheets

Minor scales are covered in the twelve basic music theory lesson packs that form just a part of the download

There are handouts designed to illustrate clearly and simply how minor scales work and are constructed alongside worksheets to reinforce knowledge and assess student progress

Music Theory Minor Scales lesson plan and worksheets

In addition to the above materials on minoe scales there are a host of similarly styled resources and worksheets covering Major scales and pentatonic scales (major and minor) as well as a whole load of stuff designed to ingrease student's understanding of blues-scales and seventh chords etc?

It is not the intention that every student should complete every worksheet. This material is intended to introduce principles and then test and reinforce understanding of those principles. The music worksheets and handouts provide a simple, flexible and powerful resource to music educators and help with the development of a functionable and workable understanding of the principles of music theory.

The worksheets are not specific to a particular style of music or exam syllabus (as the reality is that Bach used the same twelve notes as Charlie Parker?)

Once they have been downloaded you can print these invaluable music education resources straight from the hard drive of your computer or drop the files onto a memory stick and take them into your school or college for photocopying etc. Whatever suits the way you work? Any way you choose you can be sure that for the rest of your teaching career you will always have access to first class music worksheets.


DOWNLOAD 400+ Music Theory Worksheets NOW!

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How to access your simple "one click" download

It's not just about minor scales worksheets we cover an awful lot of ground here.

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In the (rare) event that something should go wrong with the order/download process just email me at robh@teachwombat.com
I will check the order and send you the links that will get you to your stuff.

Cheers! Rob!